Themes and Call for Papers

Gatineau-Ottawa, Canada, October 16 – 17, 2008
An important event with a focus on news in the cultural sphere in the areas of cybermuseums, audiovisual and multimedia, the Festival offers its participants two types of activities: a competition and a conference.
The competition
Arbitrated by an international jury, the competition brings together cybermuseum, audiovisual and multimedia productions pertaining to a museum or heritage institution. It is open to museums and cultural institutions (as producers, directors, founders and advisers of production) as well as professionals who have produced or directed cultural productions.
The achievements must showcase a cultural institution, collections, museology, heritage, an artist or art history, and may be of educational, informational, promotional, entertainment and of a cultural or artistic nature.
As part of the 2008 edition, the awards during the closing ceremony of the Festival will include:
- « Cybermusée » Award
- « Cyberexposition » Award
- « Cyberapprentisage » Award
- « Cyberrecherche » Award
- « Cybermarketing » Award
- « Hors ligne » Award – CD-ROM and DVD-ROM
- « Hors ligne » Award – Interactive Station
And two prestigious awards
- « AVICOM Grand Prize » All Categories
- « Prix du public » Award
Exceptionally for the 2008 edition of the festival, the film category (short and feature films) will not be included in the competition.
For more information on the different categories of the competition, please visit the project registration form.
The conference
Unique forum for the discussion of technological, museological, ethical and legal concerns, the schedule is made up of panels, conferences and presentations, with the assistance of professionals from the museum, audiovisual and new technologies sectors.
Study workshops and presentations with the theme of new technologies.
The conference will also highlight the best projects of the competition.
Finally, an exhibit hall to exchange and learn from vendors working in the field of new technologies.
An exhibition of photographs.
Themes and Call for Papers
Cybermuseology: A Contemporary Practice by Museums
A crossroads of innovation and a celebration of the best achievements of museum and heritage professionals, the 2008 Fiamp edition takes on the colors of cybermuseology!
Cybermuseology requires and occupies a larger place in our practice. It initiates change and offers new opportunities for collaborative notions of interactivity and accessibility. Complement to traditional practices, the use of new information technologies to enhance the museum experience and make it accessible is a new, contemporary practice. This new era requires us to rethink how we address dissemination, education, collections, research and leadership.
Join museum industry professionals to discuss the evolution of cybermuseology and future directions.
Call for papers
The call for papers is now closed.