ICOM International Committee for Audiovisual, New Technologies and Social Media

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January 13, 2023

Prague 2022: Big success for AVICOM

The 26th General Conference in Prague was extremely successful for AVICOM. For the first time, the Media Committee organized joint meetings with ICOM Germany and the international committees CECA and MPR, which were attended by a total of around 200 guests. The main topics were “Digital Media for the Preparation, Implementation and Follow-up of the Museum Visit. Sense, Superfluity or Nonsense?” and “The COVID19 Challenge: Museums and their digital engagement in times of crises. Results of the Solidarity Project of AVICOM, MPR and ICOM Germany”. In another session, which was also well attended, AVICOM presented “News from the world of audiovisual and digital museum media”.

In the ICOM session “Solidarity Projects”, AVICOM and MPR reported on their investigative project “The COVID19 Challenge”, which attracted particular attention and response from the participants.

The highlight of the AVICOM activities in Prague was the award ceremony of the AVICOM media festival “faimp” to the winners, followed by a reception in the National Museum of Technology in Prague. Around 80 guests attended, including many representatives of international committees.

Click here to watch the award ceremony video:

Under “Reports” you will find reports and a selection of the presentations at the sessions.

