Winners: 2008

Gatineau-Ottawa, Canada
AVICOM Grand Prize
- Museum of Archeology and Ethnology – Canada
“A journey into time immemorial“
Gold Web’Art Award
- smARThistory’s web-book – USA
“A multimedia resource for museums, visitors and studies“
Silver Web’Art Award
- National Palace Museum – Taiwan
“Tracing the Che School in Chinese Painting“
Bronze Web’Art Award (ex æquo)
- Canadian Center for Architecture – Canada
“Sorry, out of Gas“
Bronze Web’Art Award (ex æquo)
- National Gallery of Canada – Canada
“Eye Spies / Petits détectives“
Bronze Web’Art Award (ex æquo)
- Textile Museum of Canada – Canada
“Digital Threads“
Special Mentions
- RMN Réunion des Musées Nationaux – France
Site commercial
for the integration of educational content to a commercial site - Secretary of Hungarian Ethnographical Society – Hongrie
“Keszi Kovacs MozgoKepek” (DVD-Rom)
for the promotion of an ethnographic audiovisual collection