Message from the President: February 4, 2011

Montreal, February 4, 2011
AVICOM Committee
Hi everyone,
I have just returned from a short visit to Paris and I am very happy to report having met outgoing president Marie-Françoise Delval, Béatrice Souvignet from France and Simona Caraceri from Italy. Over three days of informal meetings, the AVICOM office was duly established as follows:
Stationed in Paris, Béatrice Souvignet will serve as treasurer and manage the AVICOM accounts;
From Hungary, Janos Tari will serve as vice-president;
Our team of administrators is composed of Simona Caraceri, Jiang Hu, Quingguo Qi, Anne-Laure Santerne and Xiopeng Zhang.
Marie-Françoise Delval will remain involved with AVICOM as a co-opted member and will coordinate the Festival in conjunction with the 2012 Festival host city. Following my initial conversations with several members of the team, I foresee raising the following items for discussion:
- Selection of host city and official date for the Festival international de l’Audiovisuel et du Multimédia sur le Patrimoine (FIAMP)
- Selection of the theme and potential guest list for the annual symposium and the annual general meeting accompanying the Festival
- Identifying potential project partners
- Issues relating to special projects for which ICOM funding could be obtained, namely:
- Production of a pamphlet showcasing the value of free web-based software accessible to museums
- Special invitations for a youth delegation at the November 2011 AVICOM symposium
I encourage you to suggest any other items you deem appropriate for discussion. Looking forward to our correspondences over the coming weeks,
Manon Blanchette
AVICOM President