October 28, 2024
Virtual Museums – A Plea: New Publication supported by AVICOM – Free Download! Publication

“Around the clock. Around the world” – a plea for virtual museums”
“Establish virtual museums!” is the plea of the ‘Virtual Museums Forum’ group. In their just published book “Virtual Museums – A Plea”, 11 authors from the fields of culture, science, business and law discuss the opportunities that digital technologies open up for the cultural sector when virtual museums are created. In their book, which is printed but also available for download in open access mode, the group of authors, whose core is at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf/Germany, provides an overview of the characteristics and especially the possible fields of application of virtual museums. These are created exclusively on the Internet and may complement analogue museums without replacing them. The group of authors points out the advantages and disadvantages of virtual museums and discusses their structure and organization, legal and technological aspects as well as the question of sustainability.
This contribution to the discussion on specific digitization in the museum sector was elaborated and published with strong support by AVICOM. It is published in October 2024 by de Gruyter Publisher / Deutscher Kunstverlag / düsseldorf university press (parallel in German and English language). It was presented by Prof. Dr. Bernd Günter (HHU Düsseldorf) on October 18 at the AVICOM conference in Turin/Italy.
On behalf of the group of authors, Dr. Julia Römhild and Professor Dr. Bernd Günter (both HHU Düsseldorf) are grateful for any feedback and discussion. They provide insights into the characteristics, requirements and opportunities of virtual museums.
Download of the book at: www.deGruyter.com
Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Dr. Julia Römhild, Academic Lecturer and Researcher for Cultural Management,
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf / Germany
e-mail: julia.roemhild@hhu.de
Prof. Dr. Bernd Günter, Professor (em.) for Business Administration/Marketing, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf / Germany
e-mail: guenter@uni-duesseldorf.de