ICOM International Committee for Audiovisual, New Technologies and Social Media

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July 25, 2023

Museums, Virtual Reality and Sustainability in the Climate Emergency: Online Workshop 13th September 2023 Workshop

Photo License: Takver from Australia,,

The Climate Emergency represents an existential threat to culture and heritage. Yet museums can use VR to help mobilise climate action. The AVICOM General Assembly 2023 pre-conference meeting in St Andrews proudly presents an innovative and timely online panel, focusing on the intersection of climate change, heritage preservation, and the vast potential of virtual museums.

The workshop will draw upon experience of climate scientists, aid workers, museum practitioners and communities to understand how best we can mobilise climate action to address the climate emergency.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • Using citizen science to monitor the impacts of climate change.
  • How digitisation can contribute to preservation and adaptation to climate change.
  • How does climate threaten our heritage?
  • Imagining potential climate futures.
  • Digital strategies for mitigating climate change
  • Using immersive and mobile technologies to promote understanding fo climate threats and solutions.

If you would like to contribute to the workshop please email Dr Alan Miller or Dr. Michael H. Faber

If you would like to participate in the workshop (13th September 2023, 2 pm CET) please reserve a ticket through eventbrite.
