
Untitled Document

These innovative videos were made by museums from around the world. Submit your videos!

  • TVOntario: The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Do Museums Still Matter? (53:40) Steven Conn joins a panel of world-renowned experts to debate the importance of having a public space to be among tangible artifacts which connect us to the past.
  • Great Museums is based on the premise that Americas museums are the repository of the American experience. The ongoing documentary series features great museums throughout the country, large and small, and reveals, in an informative and entertaining way, the people, places and stories that are at the core of the American identity.
  • Digital and new media for museums is the Vimeo exposure channel of Infofilm / Museummedia in The Netherlands.

Museums, Science & Technology


Museum Architecture and 3-D Renderings




Museum Humour

  • We Love Museums… Do Museums Love Us Back? (7:32) November 9, 2008
    The Pinky Show
    is a project of Associated Animals Inc., a non-profit educational organization. Recently Kim’s been obsessing over museums, her new “hobby.” Here she reads from her latest report, “The Creation of Value: meditations on the logic of museums and other coercive institutions.”
  • Bernard at the Museum (3:27) February 20, 2008



ICOM Video Clips

Note: You will need Windows Media Player to view these video clips.


Gabriel Clark and Thomas Marcusson (University of Technology, Sydney)

Our video is a visual analogy of elements of ICOM’s mission. In our video piece intangible lines form tangible networks, supporting cultural heritage and creating a network of communication and support throughout the globalised world. The construction, and interaction of these cultural networks are supported and developed by ICOM. Using strong graphic elements generated by hand, lines of sand propel themselves across the screen, around examples of the world’s cultural heritage. Interacting with each other they build a grid that reates a global network. This theme ofglobalisation is illustrated by the depiction of a globe, thisglobe is in fact created by the network that ICOM has initiated and nurtured, the lines of sand.


Christian Hudon and Jasmin Morin (Idéeclic, Gatineau, Québec)

La création du clip vidéo se veut avant tout un survol des richesses muséales basé sur les concepts de la sauvegarde du patrimoine mondial proposés dans la mission d’ICOM tant lié au patrimoine matériel qu’intangible. À travers le regard de la diversité culturelle, nous sommes amenés à voyager dans le temps et à survoler des lieux historiques ainsi qu’à découvrir des trésors par de riches compositions photographiques. On retrouve tout on long du vidéo la lettre « O » pour représenter le logo international de ICOM. De plus, cette forme ronde appuie bien la portée mondiale des différents comités internationaux. Le montage soutient la recherche et le développement exécutés par l’organisation, le concept de la diffusion du patrimoine ainsi que les différents types de collections et d’activités de programmations publiques muséales. L’ensemble évoque la sensibilité, le respect, l’accessibilité, la découverte, le savoir et la protection qui rend hommage aux membres et comités d’ICOM.


Dr. Janos Tari (Museum of Ethnography, Budapest)

In the animation of the ICOM logo, we show museums buildings from all over the world, ethnic activities and restauration-exhibition situations connected with cultural heritage museums.

Visit the ICOM site for more videos!